2014-2015 College Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2014-2015 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Business & Community Services

The mission of Business and Community Services (BCS) is to support economic, workforce, and community development by providing a wide range of services, training programs, and cultural activities in response to the needs of the community.

No matter what your professional, personal or educational goals, BCS is your training connection for career success or personal development. Our courses are designed to provide practical skills and hands-on training in a targeted, time-limited training environment. Register for only those courses of particular interest. We can also customize to meet your company’s specific training and employee development needs.

Most of the continuing education programs offered by BCS are eligible for continuing education units (CEUs). CEUs are awarded for those non-credit activities that meet the criteria established by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. A CEU is defined as “10 contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under capable direction and qualified instruction.” Eighty percent attendance is the minimum requirement for awarding CEUs. Permanent individual records are maintained indicating the number of CEUs awarded to each participant. Certificates of completion are also awarded in certain areas.

Many of the courses offered by BCS are also eligible for continuing professional education (CPE) credits.

Charges for public non-credit courses are established on an individual course basis, depending on such elements as length and type of the course, amount of materials furnished, and instructional costs. Charges for other programs and services are determined on an individual basis.

Programs and Services

Personal Enrichment/Development Programs. We offer a wide variety of courses to meet the diverse needs of the community: cultural enrichment or a vocational pursuit, general interest, family and personal growth, fun and recreation, and various other topics and categories.

Advanced Manufacturing Programs. BCS stands ready to help you manage the rapid changes and new realities of today’s workplace. Highly specialized, advanced technology programs are available that allow anyone working in today’s rapidly changing technical fields to maintain up-to-date knowledge and skills. These courses may be offered on site for a company in customized formats. We also have available a wide array of CADD (computer-aided design and drafting) courses, including AutoCAD and Microstation. Pellissippi State is a FeatureCAM Training Center and has a number of courses in the area of computer-aided machining and manufacturing. Additional advanced technology programs include programmable logic controllers, industrial automation, microelectronics, robotics and others.

Business and Professional Development Programs. BCS conducts numerous non-credit courses, seminars and workshops that focus on business/management development and professional continuing education requirements. Program areas include business and management, supervision, customer service, team building, conflict resolution and professional examination review, certification, relicensure, Lean manufacturing/Six Sigma, quality/productivity, and environmental and safety.

Computer Training Institute. The Computer Training Institute serves the computer training needs of the community by providing a variety of regularly scheduled courses for individuals who need to upgrade their skills in computer operations or who need to develop new skills. Courses available range from introductory-level courses for the novice user to advanced courses for the experienced user. The short, intensive courses focus on computer applications and programming. Hands-on training is emphasized, with each student having access to a computer. Classes are available during both the day and evening and are offered on a selected basis at all college sites. Courses may be customized to focus on specific company needs and provided in special formats under contract. Classes may also be offered on-site using company facilities.

Customized Training. Pellissippi State is able to develop and deliver customized training programs in response to the specific training needs of area business and industry. BCS is your one-stop provider of training, offering an array of solutions that will enhance your performance—regardless of industry—and generate real results. We work routinely with business and industry experts to deliver the appropriate training that will positively impact your bottom line. The specialized contract training programs provide effective means for skills upgrading, apprenticeships, retraining and cross-training. Subject matter ranges from basic skills and workplace literacy to supervisory and advanced technical skills. With experienced industrial training instructors, instructional designers and program coordinators on staff, BCS can provide needs assessment, program design and development, training, and facility and project coordination, in addition to the instruction. These customized training programs are generally offered on site.

Community Service/Outreach. BCS provides programs and services, such as the youth and parent education programs, to special community groups and target populations.

Tennessee Small Business Development Center. Partially funded through the U.S. Small Business Administration and operating as part of the Tennessee Small Business Development Network, the Tennessee Small Business Development Center (TSBDC) at Pellissippi State provides consulting and other services to small business in order to promote growth, expansion, innovation, increased productivity, and management improvement. TSBDC offices are located at the Knoxville Area Chamber Partnership, Farragut/West Knoxville Chamber of Commerce, Blount County Chamber of Commerce and Pellissippi State campuses. Please visit the website at www.tsbdc.org for more information.

Facilities. The College is able to offer state-of-the-art conference facilities and services to the community through BCS. Facilities include a 500-seat Clayton Performing Arts Center, auditoriums offering from 78 to 150 seats, a 40-seat Executive Seminar Room, and a variety of other meeting and seminar rooms. Audiovisual equipment, technical support, food services and free, ample parking are also provided.

Non-credit Course Admission

For admission only to non-credit courses, an applicant must complete the registration process by registering/enrolling in a class. This can be done as outlined below. A student enrolled only in non-credit classes who seeks to take credit classes must meet the regular admissions requirements listed under the general admissions procedures as applicable.

Non-credit Information and Policies

Four ways to register:

  1. Register on the Web: www.pstcc.edu/bcs.
  2. Phone (865) 539-7167 and talk with one of the continuing education registrars. Make payment with Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover.
  3. Visit during office hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, Hardin Valley Campus, Room 108, Lamar Alexander Building.
  4. Mail a completed Non-credit Course Registration Form (located on our website) with check or money order to Pellissippi State, P.O. Box 22990, Knoxville, TN 37933-0990, Attention: Business and Community Services Registration.

Fees. All enrollment fees must be paid before the beginning of class. The fee amount for each class or course is stated with the information regarding each of the offerings. Fees vary in accordance with the costs incurred in the delivery of the course, such as instructor, materials and facilities costs. Unlike credit courses, no tax dollars are used to support non-credit programs. Non-credit courses are sustained by participant or contract revenues only; therefore, class enrollment must meet the minimum number of participants required to cover expenses. State employee, senior citizen and disabled fee waiver policies do not apply to non-credit programs. Payment can be made by cash, check, money order, Mastercard, Visa, American Express or Discover. Pellissippi State employees are eligible to take non-credit classes through a budget transfer process.

Closing Dates. The closing date for registration is two working days before the start of the class unless otherwise stated. Registration after this date cannot be guaranteed. Class space is limited and many classes fill before the closing date. Early registration with payment will ensure enrollment.

Cancellations/Postponements. Classes may be canceled for lack of minimum enrollment. In the event a class is canceled by the College for any reason, an effort will be made to notify each student registered for the class, provided telephone numbers or an email address are given at registration.

If for any reason the instructor must postpone or reschedule a class session, the Business and Community Services Office will attempt to notify the students. In all instances of postponement, the instructor is responsible for arranging makeup classes.

Holidays/Inclement Weather. Non-credit programs adhere to the college holiday schedule and inclement weather guidelines (www.pstcc.edu/weather).

Refunds. Money will be refunded ONLY if the class is canceled by the College or upon notification of the student’s intent to withdraw two working days prior to the starting date of each class. NO REFUNDS can be made after these dates because classes are started on the basis of full enrollment and payment of accompanying fees. Students may appeal a refund by submitting a written request outlining the basis for the appeal to the executive director of Business and Community Services.

Parking. Non-credit students can park on campus in any Open parking area without charge.

Clayton Performing Arts Center

Pellissippi State’s Clayton Performing Arts Center was completed in 1995. Since its opening, the theatre has showcased regional, national and international performances. The Clayton Performing Arts Center seats 495 people and has the latest in state-of-the-art sound and lighting. Access for people with disabilities and free parking make the theatre enjoyable for anyone. If you would like additional information about the Clayton Performing Arts Center or are interested in renting any of the College’s facilities, please contact Business and Community Services at (865) 694-6665.