Degree: Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)
Program description. The A.A.S. in Health Sciences degree program is designed to allow the student maximum flexibility in designing an educational program that meets specific career-related objectives. Goals of the program are to provide a strong foundation in general education, including the ability to write clearly, read proficiently, communicate orally, analyze and use quantitative information, and solve problems, while giving students the opportunity to select those courses most closely aligned to their personal career goals.
The A.A.S. in Health Sciences degree program will provide a pathway for students who are currently enrolled in or have completed a certificate-level or diploma-level program in a health sciences field, such as nursing assistant certification (CNA), emergency medical technician licensure (EMT and EMT-P), medical coding and insurance certification, or who have credentials and experience in other health-related fields. Students who have completed a diploma or certification program at a Tennessee Technology Center (such as Dental Assistant, Medical Assistant, Medical Office Information Technology, Practical Nursing, Surgical Technology) will receive credit toward an associate’s degree. Credit previously awarded for a diploma from a Tennessee Technology Center or other prior certification will be posted on the transcript but will not count in the calculation of the student’s grade point average.
Because of the varying entry points for acceptance/entrance into health science programs and the different structure of health science curricula, students who wish to transfer credits toward this degree are advised to speak with a health sciences academic advisor to discuss academic goals. All program electives will be guided electives and will be determined in consultation with the student’s academic advisor and based on the student’s academic record, employment experience, and career goals. For example, a pharmacy technology certificate graduate who aspires to work in a lab will take guided electives in the natural sciences, while a pharmacy technology graduate who aspires to a sales position will take guided electives in business. Therefore, job opportunities, position titles, and competencies gained will vary depending on the student’s choice of electives.
Program goal. The goal of this degree program is to increase the formal education level of health science graduates and practitioners in east Tennessee.
Contact(s): Student Assistance Center, (865) 694-6556; or Cohort Specialist, (865) 539-7381
For more information on transfer of credits or assessment for college credit, go to