2024-2025 College Catalog 
    Sep 13, 2024  
2024-2025 College Catalog


For students eager to enter the workforce or looking for new career opportunities, spending years in college pursuing a degree may not be very appealing. Fortunately, many careers require only 12 months or less of training to get started on a promising future in fields like manufacturing, construction, business or education.

Pellissippi State offers high-quality, short-term training in the form of certificates. Individual curricula are designed for working students who wish to upgrade their skills or gain additional certification in a particular area. Anyone wishing to pursue a certificate who is not already a Pellissippi State student must apply for admission to the College.

To apply for admission, visit www.pstcc.edu/admissions. On the admission application, choose “Certificate” as the application type and select the appropriate certificate title. Students working on a certificate in conjunction with a Pellissippi State degree program must meet admission requirements for the degree program. The placement test and/or learning support courses are required of students seeking a certificate. All courses for a certificate must be taken for credit. Financial Aid is available for some certificates, as noted below.  For more information on Financial Aid, please contact the Start Strong Center at StartStrong@pstcc.edu.

Each prospective candidate for a certificate must file a Graduation Application during the semester of anticipated graduation. To file, the student should choose “Apply to Graduate” from the menu on the Student Records tab in myPellissippi. Certificates will be ready for pick up six to eight weeks following the end of each semester. Students will be mailed postcards at the address currently on file at Pellissippi State, with the date certificates will be available. It is imperative that students keep their contact information/address up to date.

To change address or contact information, contact the Records Office at records@pstcc.edu or 865-694-6400.

To pick up a certificate, bring a photo ID to the Hardin Valley Campus Start Strong Center (Room 102, Goins Building) Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Students may authorize someone else to pick up their certificate, provided that individual presents a photo ID and supplies a note written and signed by the student.

Pellissippi State offers the following certificates: *Financial Aid may be available.