2020-2021 College Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information

All fees are payable at the time of registration each semester. Refer to the Cashier’s office webpage for payment information and due dates. Student schedules are deleted if the schedule is not confirmed and fees are not paid by the applicable due dates. Registration is incomplete until the schedule is confirmed and all fees are paid, and no student may be admitted to classes without having met all financial obligations.

Fees associated with non-credit/continuing education courses are payable at the time of registration and may be paid online or in person in the Alexander Building, Room 108.

There is a $30 charge for any check returned to Pellissippi State. A student who has not redeemed a returned check for fees within 10 days after being notified by the Business office may be administratively dismissed from school for failure to pay fees.

No student with a debt of $100 or greater owed to the College may re-enroll, graduate or receive a transcript or grades until all accounts are settled. Students seeking admission to any college within the College System of Tennessee may be eligible to sign an authorized written agreement allowing for re-enrollment (State of Tennessee, Public Chapter No. 739). The term “account” includes any indebtedness to Pellissippi State. All charges are subject to subsequent audit. Errors will be corrected by refund or additional charge. All unpaid accounts submitted to an outside agency for debt collection services may be charged collection fees, based on a percentage, in addition to the original debt and reasonable attorney’s fees, as defined in the Financial Responsibility Statement.

The Cashier’s office is located on the first floor of the Goins Administration Building at the Hardin Valley Campus and in the main offices at the Division Street, Blount County, Magnolia Avenue and Strawberry Plains campuses. 

Cashier’s Hours

Hardin Valley Campus (865) 694-6605
Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Division Street Campus (865) 971-5212
Call for hours
Blount County Campus (865) 981-5334
Call for hours
Magnolia Avenue Campus (865) 329-3104
Call for hours
Strawberry Plains Campus (865) 225-2303
Call for hours

Go to the Cashier’s office website for dates and times of extended Cashier’s hours during the registration period.

Semester Fees

College Credit and Audit Course Fees

Students are charged maintenance fees, a campus access fee, a student government fee, a student recreation center fee, an international education fee and a technology fee each semester. They also are charged a sustainable campus fee fall and spring semesters. In addition, if the student is not a resident of Tennessee or fails to provide Eligibility Verification for Entitlements Act (EVEA) information to the Admissions office, the student is charged out-of-state tuition.

All fees are subject to change at any time by action of the Tennessee Board of Regents. Visit the Cashier’s office website or call (865) 694-6605 to confirm current rates.

A $20 nonrefundable late fee is charged to all students who enroll after the registration period or after classes begin.

Non-credit/Continuing Education Fees

Charges for public non-credit courses are established on an individual course basis, depending on such elements as length and type of the course, amount of materials furnished and instructional costs. Charges for other programs and services are determined on an individual basis. No application is required for admission to non-credit/continuing education classes.

TN eCampus Fees

Fees for TN eCampus courses are charged separately, and charges are in addition to fees for other courses. Maintenance and online course fees are charged for TN eCampus courses. Out-of-state tuition charges also may apply.

Out-of-State Tuition

Students are classified as resident or nonresident by Enrollment Services for the purpose of assessing tuition charges. The definition of residency as determined by the Tennessee Board of Regents will apply. A student once classified as an out-of-state student will continue to be thus classified unless a change of legal residence is established by evidence other than presence as a student. The burden of proof of all conditions pertaining to residence is placed upon the student, including the responsibility for submission of documentation required by Pellissippi State. If there is any question as to in-state residency at the time of registration, the student will be classified as out-of-state and will be charged out-of-state tuition. The out-of-state tuition for that semester will be refunded only if the student submits the required documentation within six weeks after registration.

Information about residency classification may be obtained from Enrollment Services. Students have the right to appeal the assignment of residency status to the assistant vice president of Enrollment Services.

Registration and Enrollment Fees

Tuition. This maintenance fee is charged to all students enrolled in credit, audit or TN eCampus courses. It is calculated based on the number of hours for which the student is enrolled.

Out-of-state tuition. This is an additional fee charged to students classified as nonresidents of Tennessee who are enrolled in courses for credit, audit or TN eCampus. It is calculated based on the number of hours for which the student is enrolled.

Campus access fee. This nonrefundable fee is for access to the campus and its facilities. This fee is charged to all students enrolled in courses for credit or audit. This fee is also charged to all faculty and staff.

Student government fee. This nonrefundable fee is charged to all students enrolled in courses for credit or audit. This fee was adopted by the Student Government Association to provide funds for a variety of student activities.

International education fee. This nonrefundable fee is charged to all students enrolled in courses for credit or audit. This fee supports international education.

Student recreation center fee. This nonrefundable fee is charged to all students enrolled in courses for credit or audit. This fee is charged based upon the number of enrolled hours.

Technology fee. This fee is charged to all students enrolled in courses for credit or audit. The funds are used to maintain and upgrade student lab equipment, library automation, and other instructional technology.

Sustainable campus fee. This nonrefundable fee is charged to all students enrolled in courses for credit or audit during the fall and spring semesters. This fee was approved by the students to fund green and recycling projects on campus.

Bookstore Online Access/eTextbook fee. This fee is charged to students enrolled in courses participating in the e-textbook program. The fee covers the cost of the required online course materials.

Course Fees

Music fee. This fee is charged to all students who receive individual music instruction.

Bowling fee. This fee, charged to all students enrolled in a bowling course, covers the charge to Pellissippi State from the bowling facility.

Golf fee. This fee, charged to all students enrolled in a golf course, covers the charge to Pellissippi State from the golf facility.

Nursing fee. This fee, charged to all students enrolled in a nursing course, offsets the cost for course supplies.

Culinary arts fee. This fee, charged to all students enrolled in culinary arts courses, covers the cost for lab usage.

Welding fee. This fee, charged to all students enrolled in welding courses, offsets the cost for course supplies.

Miscellaneous Fees and Fines

Test fees

ACT test fee. This fee is charged to everyone who takes the ACT test. 

High school equivalency test (HISET) fee. This fee is charged to everyone who takes the HISET high school equivalency test. The fee covers all five parts of the test and must be paid in full before sitting for the test. Students will set up an account and schedule the test and pay the fee through https://hiset.ets.org.

High school equivalency (HISET) diploma retest fee. This fee is charged to anyone who wishes to retake sections of the high school equivalency diploma test because of low scores. Students will schedule the test and pay the fee through https://hiset.ets.org.

CLEP test fee. This fee is charged to anyone taking the College Level Examination Program test. The CLEP fee is paid when students sign up to take the exam at http://clep.collegeboard.org. A proctor fee will be charged in addition to the test fee and must be paid at www.registerblast.com/pstcc.

DSST test fee. This fee is charged to anyone taking the DANTES test. Students pay the fee through the DSST website before taking the exam. A proctor fee will be charged in addition to the test fee. The proctor fee must be paid at www.registerblast.com/pstcc.

Correspondence Test Fee. This fee is charged for proctoring of exams for other schools and must be paid at www.registerblast.com/pstcc.

Other fees and fines

Traffic fines. Students and employees parked illegally, speeding, or not properly displaying a Pellissippi State parking permit will receive a parking violation ticket. All fines must be paid within 14 calendar days from date of ticket. A late penalty of $5 is added to the cost of the ticket after the 14 calendar days have passed. For specific information concerning parking regulations, brochures are available from the Police Department office.

Late registration fee. This nonrefundable fee is charged to all students who enroll in courses for credit, audit or TN eCampus after the registration period or after classes begin.

Deferred payment service charge. This nonrefundable fee is charged for all students electing the payment plan for fee payment.

Deferred payment late fee. This nonrefundable fee is charged if the payment amount due is not received by the College by the payment plan due date(s).

Returned check fee. This nonrefundable fee is charged to all students who make payment with a check that is later returned to Pellissippi State from a financial institution because payment has been refused.

Collection fee. This percentage-based fee is added to accounts submitted to an outside agency for collection. The fee is charged at a maximum of 33.3% of the delinquent account amount.

Identification card replacement charge. The first student identification card is issued to all entering students at no charge. There is a replacement charge of $10 for lost or damaged cards.

Library fine. This fee is for the replacement cost of library materials lost or deemed lost due to an overdue status. The fee consists of the replacement cost of the books, periodicals or other items, plus a $15 nonrefundable per item processing fee.

Library repair fine. This nonrefundable fee is for the actual cost of repair (re-binding) of books and materials. An additional $5 is charged to offset overhead costs to repair the items.

Telecourse Fines

Audiovisual equipment. This fine is the replacement cost of lost audiovisual equipment plus a $5 nonrefundable processing fee.

Telecourse materials. This fine is the replacement cost of telecourse materials plus a $5 nonrefundable processing fee.

Fee Payment Options

The student’s schedule must be confirmed and any outstanding fees paid by the established deadlines or the class schedule may be deleted. Students will not receive a bill in the mail prior to the fee payment deadlines. Visit the Cashier’s office website for fee payment deadlines, confirmation instructions and other fee payment information.

Personal check, money order or cash. Checks should be made payable to Pellissippi State and include the student’s ID number on the face of the check.

Web check. Students may log into their myPellissippi account to confirm their schedule and pay fees with an electronic check.

VISA, Mastercard, Discover or American Express. Students may log into their myPellissippi account to confirm their schedule and charge fees to VISA, Mastercard, Discover or American Express.

Financial aid credits. Payment of fees with financial aid is authorized by the student’s confirmation of his or her schedule and/or payment of any remaining balance due. All financial aid is credited to the student’s account, with the exception of Federal Work-Study payroll checks, which are direct deposited to a student’s bank account or mailed. Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG, Foundation scholarships and academic work scholarships are credited to the student’s account within three working days of award acceptance. Student loan funds received by electronic transfer will be credited to the student’s account within three days of receipt of funds. Scholarships from outside sources are not always automatically credited to the student’s account. Students must contact the Cashier’s office to process those scholarships. Refer to Financial Aid in this section of the Catalog, or contact the Financial Aid office with questions.

Reduced rate registration (student 60+ years of age/permanently disabled). Under T.C.A. Section 49-7-113, people with permanent disabilities and Tennessee residents 60 or older are eligible to enroll in courses on a space-available basis for audit without payment of maintenance, campus access, student government, international education, student recreation center, technology, sustainable campus and late fees. All applicable special course fees are charged.

People with permanent disabilities and Tennessee residents 65 years of age or older are eligible to enroll in courses on a space-available basis for credit without payment of maintenance, campus access, student government, international education, student recreation center, technology, sustainable campus and late fees. A service fee not to exceed $70 per semester will be charged. All applicable special course fees also will be charged.

People with permanent disabilities must contact the Disability Services office to be certified as eligible for either program. Senior citizens must go to the Cashier’s office to be certified as eligible. Forms certifying eligibility must be submitted by the 14th day of the semester (See Academic Calendar  for the deadline to submit waiver or discount forms for each semester).

Discounts for people with permanent disabilities and senior citizens do not apply to continuing education programs.

Fee waivers and P-130. Fee waivers are available for employees of the Tennessee Board of Regents and University of Tennessee systems and the state of Tennessee executive, judicial, and legislative branches. Forms certifying eligibility must be submitted each semester within the first two weeks of classes to be accepted. Forms are available at the employee’s work location.

The waiver allows enrollment into one course per semester consisting of no more than 4 credit hours, on a space-available basis, provided the employee registers for the course on or after the date set by the College in the  Academic Calendar . Employees registering for a course prior to the date set by the College are not eligible for a fee waiver.

A completed Fee Waiver form should be submitted each semester to meet fee payment deadlines but must be submitted within the first two weeks of classes to be accepted for the semester.

Fee waivers do not apply to continuing education programs.

Tuition discounts. Spouse and dependents of employees of the Tennessee Board of Regents and University of Tennessee educational systems may register at any time and receive a 50% discount on fees, provided the dependents are 26 years or under in age. Appropriate forms to request this discount are available at the employee’s work location.

Dependents of employees of the state of Tennessee and dependents of certified public school employees (Note: Spouses do not receive discounts) may register at any time during the registration period and receive a 25% discount on maintenance fees, provided the dependents are 23 years or under in age. Appropriate forms to request this discount are available at the employee’s work location or on the Business and Finance webpage.

A completed fee discount form should be submitted each semester to meet fee payment deadlines but must be submitted within the first two weeks of classes to be accepted for the semester.

Fee discounts do not apply to continuing education programs.

Sponsored payments. Upon receipt of authorization from a third–party sponsoring agency (i.e., Vocational Rehabilitation, TRA, armed forces, Veterans Affairs, private companies, etc.), the College will post a payment to the student’s account. Once the payment is posted, students must log into their myPellissippi account and complete the schedule confirmation process. The schedule must be confirmed by the fee payment deadline or the schedule will be deleted.

Deferred payment plan. Pellissippi State offers a deferred fee payment option to eligible students. The deferred payment plan applies to all required tuition and fee charges and requires an initial payment equal to a $20 service fee plus 50% of the student’s account balance (after deducting “authorized” financial aid). The remaining balance due is payable in two equal installments later in the semester. There is a late charge of $25 per payment if payments are not received by the College by the due date. Note: Students may still owe a balance even after completely withdrawing from all classes.

The deferred payment plan is not offered during summer sessions.

To enroll in the deferred payment plan, students must make the required initial payment to meet fee payment deadlines. For more information, visit the Cashier’s office webpage.


Pellissippi State will refund a portion of the maintenance, out-of-state, technology, special course and TN eCampus fees to any student who officially drops, withdraws or is dismissed from a course(s) within the drop/withdrawal deadline. Refunds are disbursed at the end of the refund period. Refund checks of more than $5 will be mailed approximately the fourth or fifth week in each semester. Refunds of payments made with a credit/debit card may be refunded to the card(s) used for payment. For detailed information regarding credit card refunds, visit the Cashier’s office webpage. Refunds of $5 or less must be claimed at the Cashier’s office at any campus. Refunds totaling $5 or less will not be mailed. All fees except maintenance, out-of-state, technology, special course fees and TN eCampus fees are nonrefundable. Visit the Cashier’s office webpage for specific refund periods.

Pellissippi State complies with the federal laws concerning refunds and repayments. Pellissippi State follows the Return of Title IV Funds regulations published by the federal government to calculate and process the return of Title IV funds when students officially withdraw or stop attending class. Refunds are credited to the Title IV accounts as appropriate and may not be disbursed to the student. In some situations, students who do not complete classes may owe repayments to both Pellissippi State and the federal government. Students may obtain further information and examples of refund and return calculations in the Financial Aid office. In addition, Pellissippi State will distribute refunds to sources of other aid (i.e., Vocational Rehabilitation, Veterans Affairs, waivers, scholarships, etc.) to the extent fees were paid by other aid prior to any disbursement to the student.

Students may appeal for a refund by completing a Refund Appeal form outlining the basis for the appeal, attaching supporting documentation when applicable and submitting the form to the Pellissippi State Cashier’s office. Refund requests will be decided by the Cashier’s office. The student will be notified of the decision within 30 working days of receipt of the request. The Refund Appeal form can be accessed on the Cashier’s webpage or at the Cashier’s office at any campus. Refund Appeal forms will be accepted for semesters within one year of the current semester. The Refund Appeal form, with supporting documentation, can be delivered to the Cashier’s office at any campus, mailed to the College, faxed to (865) 539-7207 or emailed to businessoffice@pstcc.edu.

Students may appeal the decision by submitting a written request for a refund appeal review to the office of the vice president of Business and Finance. The student will be notified in writing of the decision within 15 working days of receipt of the request for refund appeal review.

Refund amounts will be calculated per the following provisions:

Maintenance fee refund

  1. Full refunds (100%) are given for courses canceled by Pellissippi State.
  2. Dropping and adding an equal number of credit hours for the same term and part of term/session at the same time requires no refund or payment of additional maintenance fees.
  3. The Tennessee Board of Regents has instituted a systemwide policy for calculating refunds and fee adjustments. Under the guidelines, the fee adjustment is calculated as the difference between (1) the per credit hour cost of originally enrolled hours and (2) the per credit hour cost of the courses at final enrollment after adjustments have been applied for all courses dropped. Adjustments are calculated at the full per credit hour rate less the fee adjustment credit at the applicable fee adjustment percentage (regardless of the original number of hours enrolled). It is possible that certain adjustments will result in no refund after the fee adjustment period. Additional information is available at the Cashier’s office webpage.
  4. The basic refund for withdrawals or drops during regular terms (fall and spring) is 75% from the start of classes through the 14th calendar day. From the 14th day up to 25% of the length of the term, the refund is 25%. There is no refund after the 25% period ends.
  5. For summer sessions and other short terms, the 75% refund period and the 25% refund period will extend for a length of time which is the same proportion of the part of the term/session as the 75 percent and 25 percent periods are of the regular terms.
  6. All refund periods are rounded to whole days, and the date of the end of the refund period will be included in publications or available on the Cashier’s office website. In calculating the 75% period for other than the fall or spring and in calculating the 25 percent length of the term in all cases, the number of calendar days during the term will be considered.
  7. A full refund (100%) is provided on behalf of a student whose death occurs during the term. Any indebtedness will be offset against the refund. Documentation should be submitted to the Cashier’s office.
  8. A full refund (100%) is provided for students who enroll during the Registration period but who drop or withdraw prior to the first day of classes. Visit the Cashier’s office website for special refund dates.
  9. A full refund (100%) is provided to students who are compelled by Pellissippi State to withdraw when it is determined that through Pellissippi State error they were academically ineligible for enrollment or were not properly admitted to enroll for the course(s) being dropped. In each case, an appropriate official must certify in writing that the provision is applicable.
  10. When a course is included in a regular term’s registration process for administrative convenience but the course does not begin until later in the term, the 75%/25% refunds will be based on the particular course’s beginning and ending dates. This provision does not apply to classes during the fall or spring terms that may meet only once per week. Those courses will follow the same refund dates as other regular courses for the term.

Nonresident/out-of-state tuition refund. This fee is refundable under the same provisions as the maintenance fee.

Campus access fee refund. This fee is nonrefundable.

Student government fee refund. This fee is nonrefundable.

Student recreation center fee refund. This fee is nonrefundable.

Technology fee refund. This fee is refundable when the student drops below 8 hours or completely withdraws from all hours. When the above conditions are met, the fee is refundable under the same provisions as the maintenance fee.

Sustainable campus fee refund. This fee is nonrefundable.

Special course fee refund. This fee is refundable when the student drops from the course that generated the fee. When the course is dropped, the fee is refundable under the same provisions as the maintenance fee.

Bookstore online access fee refund. This fee is refundable in full when the student opts-out through the process provided by the bookstore or drops the course associated with the fee during the first two weeks of courses. After the 14th calendar day of classes (date is calculated as stated above for summer and other short terms), the fee is nonrefundable.

TnCIS international travel fee. This fee is refundable according to the deadlines set by the Tennessee Consortium for International Studies (TnCIS) office. Additional information is available on the TnCIS website.

TN eCampus fee refund. This fee is refundable when the student drops a TN eCampus course. When the course is dropped, the fee is refundable under the same provisions as the maintenance fee.

Continuing education (Business and Community Services) program refund. Refunds are given only if the class is canceled by Pellissippi State or if notification of desire to withdraw is received two days before the starting date of the class. No refunds can be made after the class starting date because the classes are started on the basis of enrollment and accompanying fees.

Books and Supplies

The College Bookstore makes available all books and supplies on a cash basis or through charges to approved credit cards or personal checks. (A state-issued photo ID is required for the acceptance of checks). There is a $30 service charge for any check returned unpaid. Charges to approved Financial Aid accounts require a Pellissippi State photo ID or, if that is unavailable, state-issued photo ID and Pellissippi State student ID number. Many textbooks also are available for rental for each semester; a valid driver’s license or state ID and a credit/debit card that expires after the end of the semester for which the title is rented are required to rent.

Bookstore hours

Bookstore operating hours are frequently updated and posted at each campus and on the Bookstore website.

  • Hardin Valley Campus: (865) 694-6642
  • Division Street Campus: (865) 971-5231
  • Blount County Campus: (865) 981-5311
  • Magnolia Avenue Campus: (865) 329-3114
  • Strawberry Plains Campus: (865) 225-2307

Extended hours are available during peak registration and buy-back periods.

Textbooks and required supplies may be purchased or rented online via credit card from the Bookstore website. Eligible students may charge their textbooks and required supplies to their financial aid accounts during the posted Bookstore charge periods on the Bookstore website. Orders can be picked up at the Bookstore or shipped to the customer. Textbook prices, store hours, general merchandise and online specials also are available on the website.

Bookstore refund policy

New textbooks. New textbooks may be returned for a refund or exchange within 14 calendar days (five calendar days in summer semester) of the start of classes each term, provided that the books are in the same condition in which they were purchased. Textbooks that were purchased wrapped in shrink-wrap and/or containing one-time use access codes or PINs are not returnable if the original shrink-wrapping has been removed. Customers must present the corresponding dated cash register receipt.

Used textbooks. Used textbooks may be returned for a refund or exchange within 14 calendar days (five calendar days in summer semester) of the start of classes each term, provided that the books are in the same condition in which they were purchased. Customers must present the corresponding dated cash register receipt.

Trade books. Calendars and trade books may be refunded or exchanged within three calendar days of purchase if defective at the time of purchase.

Non-book merchandise. Supplies, clothing, gifts, and sundries may be returned for a refund within three calendar days of purchase, provided the merchandise is not soiled, damaged, or showing signs of use; was not purchased with a promotional sales discount; was not imprinted for the customer; and is returned in its original sales wrapper with dated cash register receipt.

Special orders. Special orders may not be returned for refund or exchange unless defective at the time of purchase.

Additional services

The Bookstore also offers copy, fax, and shipping services; postage stamps and special orders for books and supplies.

The Bookstore will buy daily, at guidebook prices, current edition textbooks with national resale value. During the last week of each semester (finals week), the Bookstore will pay up to 50% of the selling price to buy back books that will be required for the next semester, unless the Bookstore already has enough of that particular title. If the latter situation arises, the student will be informed at the time he or she attempts to sell the book. The Bookstore does not repurchase textbooks, workbooks or study guides that have fill-in or tear-out pages that cannot be reused, access codes or PINs that cannot be reused, or textbooks with excessive cribbing or highlighting that would make the textbook useless to the next potential purchaser. Instructor, international, desk copies or damaged copies are not accepted.

Financial Aid

The student financial aid program at Pellissippi State is designed to assist students who find it difficult to attend college without financial assistance. Pellissippi State offers a comprehensive program of financial aid through scholarships, part-time employment, grants and loans. Major emphasis is placed on financial need, academic achievement, character and promise of future success. Students may apply for either one or a combination of types of financial aid.

The basis for determining financial need is the result of an analysis of the parents’ and/or student’s resources as provided by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This application is completed on the FAFSA website.

Eligibility for financial aid is based on financial need, availability of funds and ability to maintain satisfactory academic progress. To qualify a student must

  1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to determine financial need.
  2. Apply for admission to Pellissippi State as a regular, degree-seeking student.
  3. Check your myPellissippi account, and submit documentation (tax transcripts, verification forms etc.) to the Pellissippi State Financial Aid office if requested.
  4. Have official academic transcripts sent to Pellissippi State’s Enrollment Services from all post-secondary institutions previously attended.
  5. Meet Pellissippi State’s satisfactory academic progress standards for financial aid recipients.

Pellissippi State encourages students to apply early for financial aid. There are priority deadlines for each semester as outlined in the Academic Calendar . Financial aid files completed as of the priority deadline will be given first consideration in the allocation of institutional and federal campus-based funds. Files completed after the priority deadline will be accepted and awards made to eligible students on a first-come, first-served basis as long as funds are available.

FAFSA Verification. The Department of Education selects some students for verification. This simply means that Pellissippi State must verify the information students provide on the FAFSA before we can issue your financial aid award. If you are selected for verification, we’ll alert you in myPellissippi under the “Financial Aid” tab. It’s very important that you submit or complete any documents we request as soon as you can. Delays in completing the verification process may mean delays in your financial aid package. The most common requirements during a verification are to clarify or verify your citizenship, marital status, income status, dependent status or child support status. Often, a verification requires a tax return and W2s (or tax and wage transcript, which you can request from the IRS). The priority deadline to submit all FAFSA verification requirements is July 1 for fall semester. The priority deadline for spring term is December 1.

Federal and State Grants and Scholarships

Federal Pell Grant. The Federal Pell Grant is a federal aid program designed to provide financial assistance to undergraduate students. These grants are intended to be the floor of a financial aid package and may be combined with other forms of aid in order to meet the costs of education. The amount is determined on the basis of student and family financial resources. Application is required each year by completing the FAFSA. Grants are limited to U.S. citizens, permanent residents and certain other non-citizens.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant. The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) is a program of direct grants available to entering freshmen, transfer and enrolled undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. The amount of financial assistance received depends upon need—taking into account financial resources of the student and parents and costs of attending Pellissippi State. Application is required each year by completing the FAFSA and is limited to U.S. citizens, permanent residents and certain other eligible non-citizens. Funds are limited.

Tennessee Student Assistance Award. The purpose of the Tennessee Student Assistance Award (TSAA) is to provide non-repayable grant assistance to financially needy undergraduate students who are Tennessee residents. Funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until funds have been depleted. Due to funding limitations, the TSAA is awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis and is based on the FAFSA completion date. Students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Prior-year recipients (renewals) will receive the award if they meet all eligibility requirements and complete the FAFSA on or before March 1. After March 1, remaining funds will be awarded to the neediest applicants who apply by March 1 based on the availability of funds. Awards are made until funds are depleted. To find out more about the TSAA requirements, please visit the TSAC website.

Tennessee Educational Lottery (Hope) Scholarship. The purpose of the Hope Scholarship is to provide financial assistance as a means of promoting access to higher education, improve academic achievement in high school through scholarship initiatives, retain the state’s ‘best and brightest’ students in TN colleges and universities, and enhance and promote economic and community development through workforce training. Students apply for the Hope Scholarship by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the semester deadlines set by TSAC. Students are required to enroll in an eligible post-secondary institution within 16 months of high school graduation. 

The Hope Scholarship is awarded to public or category 1, 2, or 3 private high school graduates who obtain a 3.0 weighted GPA OR a 21 composite ACT score (concordant equivalent on the SAT). Students graduating from a non-category 1, 2, or 3 private high school must have a 21 composite ACT score or equivalent SAT score AND be enrolled in a home school for at least one (1) academic year immediately preceding completion. GED/HiSet students must have the minimum ACT/SAT scores stated above AND an average of 170 or higher on the GED test or average of 15 or higher on the HiSet. To remain eligible, students must maintain a minimum TELS GPA of 2.75 after attempting 24 and 48 credit hours. At 72, 96, and 120 attempted hours, students must maintain a 3.0 TELS GPA or higher. Students are required to maintain continuous enrollment in each fall and spring semester. Students cannot withdraw (either unofficially or officially) and change their enrollment status during the semester. To find out more about the Hope requirements, please visit the TSAC website.

Tennessee Promise. Tennessee Promise is a financial aid program offering Tennessee high school graduates a last-dollar scholarship at a community or technical college beginning with the class of 2015. As a last-dollar scholarship, Tennessee Promise covers tuition and mandatory fees not covered by the Pell Grant, the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship (TELS) or the Tennessee Student Assistance Award (TSAA). While removing students’ financial burden is key, a critical component of Tennessee Promise is the individual guidance each participant will receive from a mentor as the student enters higher education. Local partnering organizations will ensure that all Tennessee Promise students have a mentor. Students must participate with a partnering organization and complete community service hours each semester to access Tennessee Promise dollars. For more information, visit the College’s Tennessee Promise website.

Tennessee Reconnect. Tennessee Reconnect is the newest financial aid program that offers non-traditional students and/or students that are determined to be independent from the FAFSA application, a last-dollar scholarship. The Reconnect Grant can be used at Tennessee community colleges to pay for tuition while earning a two-year associate degree. This grant pays the remaining balance after other state financial aid and Pell Grants have been applied towards tuition and mandatory fees at the community college. Tennessee Reconnect services are available to all adult students, whether they are eligible for the Reconnect Grant or not. We are here to help you get to and through college! To access the services of a Reconnect Navigator, find your local Reconnect Navigator


Federal Work-Study Program. The Federal Work-Study Program provides part-time employment opportunities to students. To be eligible, a student must be accepted to the College or be currently enrolled. The student must be in good standing academically. Student eligibility further depends upon financial need, with preference given to applicants with greater financial need, as determined by the FAFSA. Students interested in participating in the Federal Work-Study program should complete the online work-study application by logging in to their myPellissippi account. 


William D. Ford Federal Direct Stafford Loan. The William D. Ford Federal Direct Stafford Loan is a low-interest loan initiated by the student. A completed loan request form is required each year and MUST be certified by the Financial Aid office prior to being submitted to the lender. All recipients must be attending at least half-time (6 semester hours).

In addition to a Master Promissory Note (MPN), entrance loan counseling and loan request form, a student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Renewal FAFSA to apply for a William D. Ford Federal Direct Stafford Loan. The FAFSA information will determine whether the student is eligible for a subsidized or unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loan (or a combination of the two).

Students are eligible to receive no more than two full loans at freshman status and two full loans at sophomore status. Loans received at previous institutions are included in the total. Students must have completed a minimum of 30 regular hours, including transfer hours accepted, to be considered sophomores.

Federal regulations stipulate that entrance counseling must be conducted before release of the first disbursement of the first Federal Direct Stafford Loan made to a borrower at Pellissippi State. Federal regulations also state that first-time, first-year borrowers cannot receive the first disbursement of their student loan until 30 days following the first day of class.

Subsidized Direct Federal Stafford Loan. This loan is awarded on the basis of financial need. The federal government pays interest on the loan while the student is enrolled in at least 6 credit hours.

Unsubsidized Direct Federal Stafford Loan. This loan is not based on financial need. A student must pay the accruing interest from the time the loan is disbursed until it is paid in full.

William D. Ford Federal Direct Parent Loan. The Federal Parent Loan Program (PLUS) makes loan funds available to parents of dependent undergraduate students to assist with educational expenses. Parents may borrow up to the cost of education minus any financial assistance that the student is already receiving.

Exit Counseling: Student loan exit counseling is required of all student loan recipients who graduate, withdraw from all classes or drop below half-time status.

In-School Deferments: The Records office reports student enrollment status to all loan servicers approximately two weeks after each semester begins. A student must enroll and attend at least six credit hours to have their student loan payments automatically deferred. If you wish to defer loans received from prior institutions, please contact your loan service provider to obtain a loan deferment request form.

Student Emergency Loan Program. The Student Emergency Loan Program was established by the Pellissippi State Foundation to make privately donated funds available as loans to students whose financial needs are such that they will be forced to drop out of school without this assistance. These loans must be repaid within the semester.

Students must file a written application with the director of Financial Aid. Priority is given to students showing academic promise. The amount varies with the individual need. The loans are awarded only as long as funds are available and on a first-come, first-served basis. Only one Student Emergency Loan is permitted during the student’s entire academic career at Pellissippi State.

Institutional and Pellissippi State Foundation Scholarships

Pellissippi State and the Pellissippi State Foundation award numerous scholarships primarily based on financial need. In order to be considered for scholarships, applicants must first submit an application for admission and an official high school transcript or the equivalent, and then submit a Pellissippi State Scholarship Application. Applicants will be considered for any scholarship for which they qualify. In addition, most scholarships require completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Pellissippi State Academic Service Scholarships. Academic Service scholarships are tuition-fees-only scholarships based on scholastic achievement and the fulfillment of a 75-hour work obligation. They are available as funded for tuition and mandatory fees to first-time, full-time students who graduated from high school within the previous 12 months with a minimum grade point average of 2.9 or the equivalent. Awards to high school equivalency diploma and home-school students will be based upon evidence of comparable scholastic ability.

Scholarships are limited to two years, and continuation is evaluated at the end of each semester.

Course Program of Study

U.S. Department of Education regulations require that a student must be enrolled in a degree-seeking program to receive federal (Title IV) financial aid (Grants, Loans, FSEOG, Work-Study). Beginning spring 2019, Title IV funds will only be awarded for the courses needed to fulfill the program of study requirements.
Program of study consists of the classes needed/used to complete an approved degree. Students can determine which courses are needed for their current major by selecting the Degree Audit (DegreeWorks) link in myPellissippi under “Your Records.” A course must count in the evaluation of the degree to be counted as part of the student’s program of study.
If a student is enrolled in courses that do not count toward his/her degree, certificate or other recognized credential, they cannot be used to determine enrollment status unless they are eligible remedial courses. Pellissippi State cannot award Title IV aid for classes that do not count toward the degree, certificate or other recognized credential. (FSA HB 1-21) 
Students enrolling in courses that are not required to complete their degree could see their financial aid prorated and/or canceled as required by the Department of Education.

Return of Title IV Funds
Pellissippi State monitors academic engagement. Failure to engage in courses could affect a student’s evaluation for satisfactory academic progress. A student may also be required to repay all or a portion of the Title IV financial aid received for a semester. The following academic engagement policies apply to Title IV financial aid recipients for the return of Title IV funds:

  • Title IV aid will be reduced by 100% for any student who does not engage in one or more courses over the length of a semester. 
  • Adjustments of financial aid for any student who officially or unofficially withdraws will be calculated based on the percentage of Title IV aid earned as determined by the last date of reported academic engagement.

A copy of the complete Return of Title IV Funds Policy and examples are available upon request in the Financial Aid office. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

Federal regulations require that Pellissippi State establishes and applies reasonable standards of satisfactory academic progress (SAP) for the purpose of awarding financial assistance under the Title IV programs authorized by the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended (34 CFR 668.34). Pellissippi State complies with this requirement by monitoring each student’s qualitative and quantitative academic progress as well as the maximum timeframe. Qualitative progress is measured by the overall combined cumulative grade point average (GPA). Quantitative progress is measured using a completion ratio of Course Program of Study (CPoS) known as “PACE.” This measures the number of credit hours completed versus the number of credit hours attempted. Maximum timeframe allows for students to complete their course program of study within 150% of the required course load. 
This policy is applicable to all Federal Title IV Programs (Pell, SEOG, Direct and Plus Loans and Federal Work-Study), as well as State programs including the Tennessee Student Assistance Award and the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship (Hope). 

The following standards apply whether or not a student received financial aid during the period(s) being measured. SAP is evaluated at the end of every academic term of enrollment, or anytime a student changes their program of study on or before the 14th day known as the enrollment census date. In general, students should be aware that they must maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher and pass 67% of all attempted courses in order to remain eligible to receive financial aid.

To review your current Satisfactory Academic Progress visit myPellissippi and select the Financial Aid tab.

Qualitative Standard (GPA)
All grades earned, including failed, incomplete, remedial, repeat, transfer and prerequisites, count towards the overall combined GPA. To meet this standard, students must maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 each semester. 

Quantitative Standard (Pace) 
A student must pass two-thirds (67%) of the in-program hours attempted on a cumulative basis and be on reasonable “PACE” in order to graduate. Passing grades include all in-program credit hours of an A, B, C, and D.  All grades (in-program and out of program) of W, FA and F are considered unsatisfactory and are counted as attempted hours. A grade of I is considered unsatisfactory until changed to a passing grade. PACE is calculated by dividing “overall combined” earned hours by “overall combined” attempted hours.  
A student who does not meet the quantitative AND qualitative requirements will be placed on financial aid warning. During the warning semester, the student will be eligible for regular financial assistance and will need to re-establish satisfactory progress by the end of that semester to receive future federal aid.
Students who are not able to meet the quantitative and qualitative requirements by the end of their warning semester will be placed on Financial Aid suspension.

Students on Financial Aid Suspension are not eligible to receive aid until they enroll in and complete, at their own expense, sufficient hours to raise their PACE above the required 67%, and overall combined GPA above 2.0. 

Remedial Coursework
All remedial courses (passed and failed) will count towards attempted and completed hours in the pace calculation and towards overall combined GPA. 

Repeat Coursework
In-program, previously passed, repeated courses will count towards attempted and completed hours in the pace calculation and towards overall combined GPA.

Transfer Coursework
A transfer student’s eligibility will NOT be processed until ALL final (no in-progress courses), official transcripts have been received and evaluated by the Records office. All passed in-program transfer courses will be included in the PACE calculation and overall combined GPA.

All unsatisfactory transfer courses (in-program and out of program) of W, FA and F are considered and are counted in the PACE calculation and overall combined GPA.

International Students
All International Students who wish to receive credit from the International College transcript(s) or receive financial aid funding must have his/her transcript evaluated by a credentialing service. International students who have not taken college courses will need to provide credentialed proof of high school completion or take the HiSet to prove they meet high school completion standards. If the student does not choose to have his/her transcripts evaluated the student remains ineligible for financial aid.

Dual Enrollment
All recent high school graduates with dual enrollment hours will be placed in good standing. Dual enrollment hours will be calculated in the student’s SAP status at the completion of their first semester as a degree-seeking student. Dual enrollment hours that are part of a student’s course program of study, will count in both a student’s PACE  and their GPA. All unsatisfactory dual enrollment hours including those not that are not part of a student’s course program of study will still be counted in attempted hours and GPA.

Grade Changes
Incomplete grades will be considered unsatisfactory (F) and will count against a student’s PACE until the course is completed and the grade is updated. Incomplete grades that are updated to passing grades (A,B,C,D & P) will be reevaluated for SAP purposes at the time the grade change is processed.  
SAP will be reevaluated for all grade changes completed prior to the freeze date (14th day) of the next semester. Grade changes processed after the 14th day will be evaluated with the end of term SAP process for the next enrolled semester.   

Bachelor’s Degree 
Students (including International students) who have completed a FAFSA and indicated that they have earned a Bachelor’s degree are only eligible to receive Federal loans. The student’s eligibility will be evaluated following regular SAP guidelines.

Time Limit for Financial Aid

A student may be eligible to receive financial aid for a maximum of 30 hours attempted learning support coursework.

A student may be eligible to receive financial aid for a maximum of 90 hours attempted toward a degree.

Lifetime limit. A student may receive the federal Pell Grant for a maximum of 12 full-time semesters (or the equivalent).

Financial Aid Appeals

Students are allowed a maximum of two SAP appeals during their academic career at Pellissippi State. In order for an appeal to be reviewed, the student must be enrolled at Pellissippi State by the 14th day of the semester. Termination of financial aid may be appealed to the Financial Aid office. The student must be able to prove extenuating circumstances for an appeal and provide documentation for the appeal to be reviewed. There are two separate types of appeals in the Financial Aid office; State program (Hope, TN Promise and TN Reconnect) appeals and Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) appeals (for Federal-aid).

Students whose SAP appeal is granted will be placed on financial aid probation for the subsequent semester. Failure to maintain satisfactory progress at the end of that semester will again result in the termination of financial aid. An academic plan may be developed to assist students as a condition of an approved appeal to help a student achieve satisfactory academic progress. Students can only submit a total of two SAP appeals during their tenure at Pellissippi State. 

For state program appeals, students have 60 days from the date they were notified of the loss of their scholarship to complete the appeal form and provide supporting documentation. Failure to do so will result in an automatic denial. Once an appeal form and supporting documentation is submitted, it will be sent to the Institutional Review Panel (IRP) for review. The IRP has 14 calendar days to render a decision on an appeal. If the appeal is approved, the award(s) will be reinstated for the current and/or future terms as long as the student continues to meet all other program eligibility requirements. If the appeal is denied by the IRP, the student will be issued a denial letter and will have 45 calendar days from the date of the denial letter to appeal to TSAC. TSAC is the final arbiter to all appeals.

Veterans Educational Assistance

Pellissippi State provides veterans educational benefits assistance through the Financial Aid office. Personnel cooperate with the Veterans Administration in providing educational opportunities for veterans and eligible dependents under appropriate public laws. The office is responsible for maintaining veterans’ needs related to educational benefits, for assisting in recruitment of prospective veterans as students, for providing information to organizations concerned about veterans’ benefits and for counseling and tutorial assistance to eligible veterans. Upon accepting veterans educational assistance, the student assumes responsibility for all rules and regulations of the Veterans Administration.

VA students wishing to apply for educational benefits must submit transcripts from all previous schools attended. All veterans and active Guard/Reserve members must submit either a Joint Services Transcript or a CCAF transcript to Enrollment Services for transfer credit evaluation. These documents must be submitted before certification of benefits can be completed.

VA education benefits. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs administers the following benefit programs (Visit the Veterans Affairs Benefit Program webpage for information about the individual resources below):

  • Montgomery GI Bill—Active Duty, Chapter 30
  • Post 9/11 GI Bill, Chapter 33
  • Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program (DEA), Chapter 35
  • Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserves (MGIB- SR), Chapter 1606
  • Educational Assistance Test Program (Section 901)
  • National Call to Service Program
  • Post 9/11 GI Bill, Chapter 33, Transfer of Education Benefits (TEB)
  • VA Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, Chapter 31

Veterans Administration policy. VA regulations forbid the VA school certifying official (SCO) from certifying for benefits any course that has been transferred from another school. VA students may repeat courses with pay only if the previous grade is an F or if their chosen program requires a higher grade (Documentation of this requirement must be submitted to the SCO). VA students should consult with the VA school certifying official prior to changing course load or major in order to understand the consequences before making any schedule changes. VA students must request certification each semester they want to use their benefits. The VA school certifying official will not submit an enrollment for certification without the student’s request.

Advance payment. (Post-9/11 GI Bill recipients are not eligible.) VA students who make application for admission and veterans benefits at least 30 days before the starting date of the semester of attendance and who are registered for eligible courses may receive at least one month’s pay at the beginning of that semester. This check is disbursed by the College. Following this disbursement, the regular monthly pay amount may be deposited directly to the student’s bank account or received by mail. Students should contact the Financial Aid office for a request form. The amount of pay varies with different programs. Call Veterans Affairs at 1-888-442-4551 or access payment charts at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website to determine pay amounts.

Eligibility for deferment of payment of tuition and fees by certain eligible students receiving U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or other governmentally funded educational assistance benefits. Service members, veterans, and dependents of veterans who are eligible beneficiaries of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs education benefits or other governmentally funded educational assistance, subject to the conditions and guidelines set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated 49-7-104 as amended, may elect, upon formal application, to defer payment of required tuition and fees until the final day of the term for which the deferment has been requested. Application for the deferment must be made no later than 14 days after the beginning of the term, and the amount of the deferment shall not exceed the total monetary benefits to be received for the term. Students who have been granted deferments are expected to make timely payments on their outstanding tuition and fees balance once education benefits are being delivered, and eligibility for such deferment shall terminate if the student fails to abide by any applicable rule or regulation or fails to act in good faith in making timely payments. This notice is published pursuant to Public Chapter 279, Acts of 2003, effective July 1, 2003. Pellissippi State’s VA school certifying official can provide additional information and the required forms.

Advising. VA students should work closely with academic advisors in selecting and scheduling courses, since courses not listed under a major are generally not payable by the VA.

Note: Generally, veterans should not enroll in physical education courses, since credit from the DD-214 will satisfy the P.E. requirements for graduation.


  • Selected independent study courses approved by the dean are payable. Credit by examination will not be counted as a course eligible for benefits pay. Most co-op courses are not payable by VA benefits.
  • VA students may have dual majors in certain combinations; questions may be directed to the VA school certifying official for the specific majors.
  • VA tutorial benefits and VA work-study positions are available to certain veterans and dependents of veterans. Students should see the VA school certifying official for more information.
  • VA students also may apply for other financial aid. Applications should be completed online on the FAFSA website.
  • VA benefits are paid for accelerated classes only during the enrollment dates for that class.
  • Benefits recipients (using Chapter 1606, 1607 REAP or 30 only) must call 1-877-823-2378 (or use the W.A.V.E. on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website) at the end of each month that benefits are to be received. This contact will cause the monthly check to be deposited in the recipient’s account.
  • Students using GI Bill chapter 1606 may no longer receive GI Bill funds for any class(es) paid for by tuition assistance.

Attendance. Regular attendance is required to receive VA benefits. Instructors are required to report non-attendance of veterans to the Financial Aid office, which reports non-attendance to the Veterans Administration Regional Office. Payments are adjusted or canceled if attendance is not regular.

The Veterans Administration Regional Office in St. Louis may be contacted toll-free by calling 888-442-4551. Veteran benefits recipients may also use the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website to correspond about benefits concerns or to find current regulation information.

Disability Services

Please see the Student Services  section for complete information.

Continuing Education Program Fees

For non-credit information and policies see the Business & Community Services  section of the Catalog.

Other Assistance

Vocational Rehabilitation assistance is available to qualified applicants. The Disability Services office can provide application information.