2020-2021 College Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2020-2021 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admissions & Registration

Pellissippi State serves the postsecondary educational needs of the community. The College develops specific admission policies consistent with TBR policy. The College provides opportunities for collegiate education to all qualified applicants regardless of race, color, religion, creed, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, disability, age (as applicable), status as a covered veteran, genetic information or any other category protected by federal or state civil rights law related to the College. In order to be admitted as credit students, individuals must meet the requirements of admission to the category in which they are applying. Requirements reflect the academic background and/or basic academic competencies required to succeed in the various courses and programs.

Prospective students should apply online on the College website or call (865) 694-6400 to obtain a printed application. Admission to Pellissippi State does not guarantee admission to all programs.

Degree Admission

Applicants seeking admission to Pellissippi State to enroll in regular credit courses for a degree must comply with the following procedures:

  1. Complete an application for admission
  2. Provide official academic transcripts and test results as applicable

Admission of First-time Freshmen

Graduation from high school. Except as provided for below in the section on high school equivalency diplomas, applicants for degree admission as first-time freshmen must provide an official transcript showing graduation from high school. The high school transcript must be a regular or honors diploma. A special education diploma or certificate does not meet this requirement. The transcript of graduates of Tennessee public high schools must include a notation that the student passed the required proficiency examination.

High school equivalency diploma. Applicants for degree admission as first-time freshmen may present a high school equivalency diploma in lieu of a high school diploma provided that their composite scores meet the College’s requirements. Visit the Testing Center to learn more about the high school equivalency diploma.

Standardized examination scores. Applicants for admission as first-time freshmen must submit valid ACT or SAT scores or be placed into the appropriate corequisite learning support courses with the option to take the Accuplacer challenge test. Valid ACT or SAT scores are those earned within five years prior to the first day of the first term of enrollment.

Additional Requirements for Admission of Transfer Students

Any degree-seeking applicant who has attended another college or university shall be considered a transfer student. Transfer students who earned credits but not a degree at another college and are eligible for readmission to the last institution attended are eligible for admission to Pellissippi State. Those who do not meet the readmission standards of the last institution attended may be admitted on academic probation or other established condition. Applicants who have a degree or certificate equivalent to the associate degree in a particular field and who wish to take additional courses are eligible for admission.

Transfer students must meet the criteria outlined above for degree admission and must submit to Enrollment Services official transcripts from each school previously attended.

Awarding of Transfer Credit

Transfer credit will not be processed until all official transcripts from each school attended by the student are received by Enrollment Services. Upon completion of a student’s file, including the receipt of all college transcripts, transcript analysts in Enrollment Services will evaluate all coursework taken. Transfer credit will not be computed into a student’s grade point average at Pellissippi State. Transfer credit is awarded for individual courses that parallel Pellissippi State’s courses for content, level of instruction and preparation of faculty teaching the courses, provided a grade of D or better was earned in each course. Elective credit may be awarded by the relevant academic division if it is determined there is no Pellissippi State equivalent.

The following information may be required to evaluate the comparability of courses for the purpose of awarding transfer credit:

  1. Course syllabus used at the time the course was taken. A determination of the comparability of course content and level of instruction is made through a comparison of the following syllabus elements: course prefix, number, and title; lecture/lab contact hours and credit hours; course description; prerequisite/corequisite courses; course objectives/course goals; expected student learning outcomes; grading scale; required textbook and other instructional materials; and methods of evaluation. If the syllabus does not contain the information specified above, supplemental documentation (e.g., assignment schedules, grading policy statements) should be submitted along with the course syllabus.
  2. Faculty credentials—verification that faculty teaching the course(s) for which credit is requested meet the following academic and/or professional experience qualifications:
    • Courses designed for transfer to four-year colleges and universities—master’s degree and at least 18 graduate hours in the discipline.
    • Courses not designed for transfer to four-year colleges and universities—a minimum of an associate degree in the teaching field or closely related field and three years’ work experience in the field.

  3. If applicable, the name of relevant specialized or program agencies/boards may be required along with the above information.

The transfer credit appeal process may be used by students to request reconsideration of transfer credit decisions. Steps in the appeal process are as follows:

  1. The student completes the Petition for Transfer Credit (pdf) available online or at the Student Assistance Center, and requests an advising appointment with the Student Assistance Center to discuss why he or she thinks the petition for particular courses should be considered for approval.
  2. Course descriptions, course syllabi and other documentation as described above must be provided by the student or by the institution where the courses were taken.
  3. The advisor may request that the student provide copies of college transcripts and supporting documentation to be sent with the Petition for Transfer Credit form to the appropriate academic dean for review.
  4. The academic dean makes a determination, then submits the Petition for Transfer Credit and a recommendation to Enrollment Services, and the transfer credit decision is processed by the transcript analysts. The academic dean’s decisions regarding the awarding of transfer credit are final.
  5. Enrollment Services notifies the student through campus email of the transfer credit decision.

The appeals process is the same for students transferring from regionally and non-regionally accredited colleges and universities. Students transferring from international colleges and universities follow the same steps—with the additional requirement that supporting documents (e.g., course syllabi) must be provided with English translations—and submit the required documents to an approved credential evaluation service. For a list of credential evaluation services, visit the International Students webpage. This process ensures that students have access to a fair and accurate assessment of the credentials by experienced evaluators.

Readmission to Pellissippi State

A student who has not attended Pellissippi State continuously (not counting summer term) must complete a new admission application. If the student has attended any other college(s) since leaving Pellissippi State, he or she must submit complete transcript(s) from the college(s) in addition to the application. Failure to provide official college transcripts and report all institutions attended will result in delay of financial aid processing.

Academic Fresh Start: Criteria

Academic Fresh Start is a plan of academic forgiveness that allows undergraduate students who have experienced academic difficulty to make a clean start upon returning to college after an extended absence. The Academic Fresh Start allows eligible students to resume study without being penalized for past unsatisfactory scholarship and signals the initiation of a new QPA/GPA to be used for determining academic standing.

Readmitted students who were formerly enrolled in the institution as well as transfer students who meet institutional requirements for admission and who have been separated from all institutions of higher education for a minimum of four years are eligible for Academic Fresh Start. Institutional policies governing the readmission of former students and admission of transfer students must be in compliance with TBR Policy 2:03:00:00 Admissions. This policy requires that the “applicant’s grade point average on transferable courses must be at least equal to that which the institution requires for the readmission of its own students. Applicants who do not meet the institution’s standards may be admitted on scholastic probation or other appropriate condition.”

Student Requirements

  1. Separation from Pellissippi State and all other collegiate institutions for at least four calendar years
  2. After readmission or admission as a degree-seeking student, filing of a formal application to Enrollment Services requesting the Academic Fresh Start, along with a description of an academic plan

Terms of Academic Fresh Start

  1. Once the student has satisfied the above requirements, Pellissippi State may grant Academic Fresh Start status. A student may be granted an Academic Fresh Start only once.
  2. The student’s permanent record will remain a record of all work; however, courses taken and previously failed will be excluded from the calculation of the GPA. Courses with a D grade also will be excluded from the calculation when a grade of C or better is required in the student’s current major. GPA and credit hours will reflect courses for which passing grades were earned and retained.
    • Retained grades will be calculated in the Academic Fresh Start GPA.
    • Courses with D or F grades must be repeated at the institution when they are required in the student’s current major. All remaining courses for the current degree objectives must be completed at the institution. No transient credit will be accepted after invoking Academic Fresh Start.
    • The application of retained credit toward degree requirements will be determined by the requirements currently in effect at the time the academic renewal status is conferred on the student. Specific program regulations also must be met.
    • Previously satisfied academic assessment and placement program requirements will not be forfeited.
  3. Upon degree admission, Academic Fresh Start applicants who did not satisfy requirements at the time of previous enrollment and whose academic plan includes completion of a college-level English or mathematics course must meet current academic assessment and placement program requirements regarding enrollment in college English and mathematics courses.
  4. The student’s transcript will note that the Academic Fresh Start was made and the date it began.
  5. The student will apply for Academic Fresh Start with the understanding that all TBR institutions will honor an Academic Fresh Start provision granted at another TBR institution. The student also should signify understanding that non-TBR institutions may not accept the GPA as it is calculated with Academic Fresh Start.

This policy is independent of financial aid regulations. Financial aid requirements at the time of application will apply. Therefore, an Academic Fresh Start applicant should check with a financial aid counselor for guidance.

Mandatory Placement of Degree Admission Students

For regular admission to a degree program, applicants must meet one of these two criteria:

  • Applicants who have not attended college previously must submit valid ACT or SAT scores or be placed into the appropriate corequisite learning support courses with the option to take the Accuplacer challenge test. Valid ACT or SAT scores are those earned within five years prior to the first day of the first term of enrollment. Students who do not show proficiency in reading based on the reading challenge test must enroll in corequisite reading/College Success courses. Students who do not show proficiency in mathematics or English must enroll in corequisite/college-level math and/or English courses.
  • Transfer students whose previous academic records from a college or university indicate college-level English and/or mathematics proficiency will be considered for regular admission. Students whose records do not include such transfer credit in English and mathematics will be placed in corequisite learning support and college-level courses with an opportunity to take the Accuplacer to challenge that placement.

Non-degree Admission

A non-degree-seeking student is one who is not working toward a degree. To be admitted as an undergraduate non-degree-seeking student, a person must hold a regular high school diploma or a high school equivalency diploma or have the approval of the assistant vice president of Enrollment Services. Exceptions may be made as listed in the high school section below. Non-degree-seeking students must provide evidence of meeting all course pre-requisites, including the submission of official transcripts if pre-requisite courses were taken elsewhere. 
Non-degree-seeking students are not eligible for financial aid.

High School Students

Dual enrollment of high school students. Dual enrollment is the enrollment of a high school student in one or more specified college courses for which the student will be awarded both high school and college credits. The Dual Enrollment program is a cooperative effort between Pellissippi State and high schools in Knox and Blount counties and qualified home-schooled students. Qualified high school students may accelerate their college education through dual enrollment courses; all requirements of both the high school and Pellissippi State must be met by students participating in the program.

Students enrolling in General Education courses must meet the requirements specified for admission of degree-seeking students and the requirements of the appropriate course syllabus, available on the Master Syllabi website. Visit Pellissippi State’s Dual Enrollment website to learn more about the program.

Joint enrollment of high school students. Joint enrollment is the enrollment of a high school student in one or more college courses for which the student will earn only college units. High school students who meet the following criteria as specified in Chapter 395 of the Public Acts of 1983 are eligible for special admission:

With the recommendation and approval of the high school principal and the assistant vice president of Enrollment Services, academically talented/gifted students enrolled in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 in public or private high schools in Tennessee may enroll in and receive regular college degree units from Pellissippi State if the students have a grade point average equivalent to 3.2 on a 4.0 maximum basis and if such placement is a part of the students’ planned Individual Education Program (IEP) as established by the multidisciplinary team process.

Early admission of first-time freshmen. The following procedures apply to the admission of applicants who have completed their junior year in high school. The minimum requirements for admission of this category of applicants shall be the following:

  • Completion of grades 9, 10 and 11 with a minimum grade point average of 3.2 based on a 4.0 scale or the equivalent.
  • A valid ACT composite score of at least 22.
  • Written endorsement for each semester of attendance from the applicant’s high school principal specifying the college courses that will be substituted for the remaining high school courses needed for high school graduation.
  • Written endorsements for each semester of attendance from the applicant’s high school counselor and from the applicant’s parents or guardians.

Senior Citizens and People with Disabilities

Tennessee Code Annotated (T.C.A.) 49-7-113 provides special legislation for Tennessee residents 60 or older with permanent disabilities and for Tennessee residents 65 or older.

Eligibility to audit courses. People with permanent disabilities and Tennessee residents 60 or older are eligible to enroll in courses on a space-available basis for audit without payment of maintenance, campus access, student activity, international studies, Student Recreation Center, technology, sustainable campus and late registration fees. All applicable special course fees will be charged.

Eligibility to take courses for credit. People with permanent disabilities and Tennessee residents 65 or older are eligible to enroll in courses on a space-available basis for credit without payment of maintenance, campus access, student activity, international studies, Student Recreation Center, technology, sustainable campus and late registration fees. A service fee not to exceed $70 per semester will be charged. All applicable special course fees will be charged.

People with permanent disabilities must contact the Disability Services office to be certified as eligible for either program. Senior citizens must contact the Cashier’s office to be certified as eligible for either program.

General Requirements

Residency classification. Upon a student’s admission to the College, Enrollment Services classifies each student as resident or nonresident.

Enrollment Services may require proof of relevant facts regarding residency. Students who disagree with the initial decision may appeal to the director of Admissions. Students who still disagree may appeal in writing to the assistant vice president of Enrollment Services.

NOTE: The Tennessee Eligibility Verification for Entitlements Act (EVEA), effective October 1, 2012, requires state public institutions of higher education to verify that persons seeking a “state public benefit” are either “United States citizens” or “lawfully present” in the United States. For more information, visit the Admissions website.

Proof of language proficiency by non-native speakers. To be eligible for admission to Pellissippi State, all non-native speakers of English are required to submit proof of one of the following:

  1. A minimum score on the paper, computer, or internet-based TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or
  2. A minimum score on the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or
  3. A passing score on the Michigan test or
  4. A C grade in college English composition (ENGL 101/ENGL 1010)

For up-to-date TOEFL and IELTS score requirements and a complete list of steps for admission, visit the Admissions webpage for international students.

Admission of international applicants. A person who is a citizen or a permanent resident of a country other than the United States is classified as an international applicant. In addition to the admissions procedures for beginning freshmen or transfer students, international applicants must comply with the following:

  1. All transcripts, test scores, and other credentials must be written in English or accompanied by an English translation and certified as official copies. Students who have attended international colleges or universities and request to be awarded transfer credit must have their academic transcripts evaluated by an educational credential service that is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). A list of member organizations is available on the NACES website. Copies of the credit recommendations from the educational credential service must be provided, in addition to copies of English-translated transcripts from colleges/universities attended. Transfer credit awarded will take into consideration the credit recommendations provided by the educational credential service.
  2. International applicants who plan to study in the United States on an F-1 student visa must
    • Provide evidence of sufficient financial resources to pay for the cost of one full year of school attendance and 12 months of living expenses in U.S. currency. The financial verification documentation must be current within six months and must be issued by a financial institution.
    • Provide documentation substantiating official status with the United States Customs and Immigration Service.
    • Provide a copy of their passport, which must be valid for at least 6 months from the first day of classes.
    • Submit within 30 days from the first day of classes a certificate from a licensed physician or other qualified medical authority verifying freedom from tuberculosis. Failure to submit such certification shall result in denial of admission or continued enrollment. In the event that a student has tuberculosis or has potential tuberculosis requiring medical treatment, continued enrollment will be conditional upon the determination by a licensed physician that further enrollment is not a risk to others and upon the student’s compliance with any prescribed medical treatment.
    • Provide proof of enrollment in an approved health insurance policy by the first day of classes.
    • Meet with the international admissions specialist in Enrollment Services on arrival in the United States and attend an International Student Orientation session.

Alternative Ways to Earn Credit

Students admitted to Pellissippi State may obtain advanced standing and course credit through the following:

  • CLEP (College-Level Examination Program). Pellissippi State recognizes and accepts credit derived from general and subject area examinations of the College Board.
  • DSST (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) credit by exam program. DSST tests are used to award college credit to students who can demonstrate knowledge of subjects commonly taught in introductory college courses.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) test. Pellissippi State offers course credit for successful completion of AP examinations administered by the CEEB to high school students.
  • Military service. Pellissippi State grants credit for appropriate educational experiences in the armed services in accordance with the American Council on Education (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Education Experience in the Armed Services.
  • Extra-institutional learning. Pellissippi State may award credit for extra-institutional learning according to the American Council on Education (ACE) Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs.
  • CPS (Certified Professional Secretary) examination. Students passing the CPS examination are granted credit at Pellissippi State for certain courses that will apply to a certificate or degree.
  • CAP (Certified Administrative Professional) examination. Students passing the CAP examination are granted credit at Pellissippi State for certain courses that will apply to a certificate or degree.
  • Proficiency by examination. A student with a minimum grade point average of 2.5 may apply for credit by examination for many college-level courses at Pellissippi State on the basis of experience or training.
  • Life experience. Credit for life experience may be petitioned for courses for which credit cannot feasibly be granted by other means, such as advanced placement, CLEP, credit by examination or transfer credit.

For complete details on alternative ways to earn credit, see the Prior Learning Assessment website.

New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation is required for all degree-seeking students. At orientation, students are equipped with information about college procedures and resources, academic majors and transfer options, financial aid and classroom success strategies. For more information, visit the New Student Orientation webpage.


Advising is an integral part of a student’s academic career. Effective academic advising cultivates learning and encourages inquiry. Academic advising is an open dialogue about the student’s academic plans and career goals. Students emerge from advising having learned more about successfully completing their academic journey. The mission of the Advising office is to guide students along their pathway to an academic credential. The office provides students an opportunity to ask questions and engage in critical thinking about their intended course of study. Advising is an opportunity for students and advisors to share information and connect with campus resources.

Student responsibilities:

  • Providing the appropriate test scores and transcripts to the College before meeting with an advisor.
  • Verifying they have chosen the correct major.
  • Making an appointment with an advisor and keeping it.
  • Knowing important dates on the Academic Calendar (registration dates, schedule change deadlines, etc.).
  • Supplying current information about the student’s address, phone number and major to Enrollment Services.
  • Reviewing the current Catalog and being familiar with its contents.
  • Checking registration status (holds, standing, etc.) prior to an advising appointment.
  • Registering and making schedule changes in a timely manner.
  • Paying all fees in a timely manner.
  • Learning to access their Pellissippi State email.
  • Knowing how to use their myPellissippi account to view document requirements and other important account information.
  • Being courteous and respectful.

Registration Procedures

Visit the College website for complete information on how to enroll at Pellissippi State.

Students register online on the College website or in person by visiting one of the College’s campuses during published registration periods. The minimum load for full-time attendance is 12 credit hours per semester, and the maximum load is 20 credit hours per semester. The chief academic officer must approve a course load above 20 credit hours.


Registration for the next term begins several weeks before the end of each term (See Academic Calendar ). Students are encouraged to meet with an advisor and to register as early as possible. New and first-semester degree-seeking students must consult with their advisor before registering for classes. Second-semester returning and non-degree-seeking students may opt to self-advise and register accordingly. Students must accept the Financial Responsibility Statement before registering.

General advising assistance is available during designated times between terms and during the summer on a first-come, first-served basis. Students must pay fees and confirm their schedule by the date indicated in the Academic Calendar  or their schedule will be deleted.

Official Enrollment

Students are officially enrolled when all assessed fees have been paid and classes have begun. Cash, checks, money orders, credit cards, federal and state financial aid, and commitments from outside agencies are accepted. A student must officially confirm attendance even if financial aid pays all fees and must have a zero balance due, or the student is not enrolled. Pellissippi State offers a deferred payment program for the fall and spring terms. Students enrolling in this program are officially enrolled when the initial minimum payment due has been paid.

Credit will be granted only for courses in which the student is officially registered. Students who are officially registered for a class they do not attend or who stop attending and do not officially drop or withdraw from the class will receive an F or FA and be responsible for tuition and fees for the course. Following any change in registration, it is the student’s responsibility to check the revised schedule for accuracy. Students may be placed on hold if any of the following applies:

  • They owe fees or other charges to the Business office.
  • They are on academic suspension.
  • They owe reimbursement to the financial aid program.
  • They fail to submit all required admission documents.
  • They fail to complete a loan exit interview.
  • They have overdue library books or materials.
  • They owe traffic fines.
  • They are subject to previous disciplinary action taken by Pellissippi State. The student must take the action indicated or contact the vice president of Student Affairs for further information before being considered for readmission.

Alternative Class Schedules

Fall and spring classes typically follow a standard 15-week schedule. Fall and spring classes are offered in 5, 7, 10 and 15 week time periods. Summer classes are offered in 4, 5, 8 and 10 week time periods. All abbreviated time periods have their own drop/add dates that do not conform to the standard schedule drop/add dates. Visit the Academic Terms Calendar Grid (PDF) for the specific payment and drop/add dates.

Distance Education

Pellissippi State offers a variety of courses through distance learning formats for students who desire flexibility in scheduling and instructional methods. Available distance learning format options include hybrid (part face-to-face and part online), synchronous online two-way audio/video and asynchronous online.

Students may combine distance learning classes with traditional face-to-face courses or may complete programs of study online. Fully online program options include general A.A./A.S. degrees and several A.A.S. degrees and certificates.For information, visit the Online Education website.

Study Abroad

Pellissippi State allows students the opportunity to enroll in study abroad programs through the Tennessee Consortium for International Studies (TnCIS). Currently, programs are located in more than 20 countries around the world. TnCIS study abroad programs are designed to provide TBR students and faculty with not only an international learning experience but also expanded global awareness and cultural understanding. TnCIS programs are typically three weeks during the summer. The College offers scholarships for eligible students. See the TnCIS website for requirements as well as available programs.


Traditionally, service-learning is an experiential teaching and learning strategy used by some professors to integrate meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility and strengthen communities. At Pellissippi State, students are not required to be a part of a service-learning-enhanced or stand-alone course to experience service-learning. Students can register through ServiceCorps and be directly connected with volunteer opportunities and community partners that are relevant to their major and/or interests. Visit Pellissippi State’s Service-Learning website for further information.

Cancellation of Scheduled Classes

The College reserves the right to cancel a class or classes prior to the first day of class. A student’s account is credited 100 percent for any canceled class for which the student has registered. Any student receiving financial assistance may need to add a class by the deadlines indicated in the Academic Calendar  if one of his or her other classes is canceled. Failure to be enrolled in the required number of credit hours could impact or affect the student’s eligibility for financial assistance.

Drop, Add and Withdrawal Standards

After the registration period is over, students may make adjustments to their schedules by adding and/or dropping courses by the drop/add deadline for each part of term. A student may drop courses without a W grade for a designated number of days depending on the part of the term the course is offered. These dates will be indicated in the Academic Calendar .

A student may officially withdraw from a course or Pellissippi State and receive W’s not later than two-thirds of the way through the term, beginning with the first day of class. A student who stops attending class and does not officially drop or withdraw from class will receive an FA and will be responsible for the full amount of tuition and fees.

Students enrolled in corequisite courses for English, mathematics and reading must meet with an advisor or counselor in order to withdraw from those courses. Students may not drop courses without this approval. Students may withdraw from courses only under serious circumstances, such as a death in the family, long-term illness or similar instance.

Beyond the deadline to drop/withdraw, students may withdraw only from all classes and only if it can be demonstrated that unusual conditions or hardships exist. Unusual conditions or hardships may include extensive illness, unexpected relocation of residence or place of employment or other legitimate reasons that may be approved by the chief academic officer. Students requesting to withdraw after the deadline must meet with a counselor. No late withdrawals will be allowed after one year from the end of the semester in which the student was enrolled in the course.