2015-2016 College Catalog 
    Mar 02, 2025  
2015-2016 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Engineering Technology/Electrical Construction Management Concentration, A.A.S.

Degree: Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)

Accreditation: Engineering Technology, Electrical Construction Management Concentration is accredited by the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE), 1390 Eisenhower Place, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, (734) 677-0720, www.atmae.org.

Program description. Engineering Technology offers a core curriculum with multiple concentrations: Automated Industrial Systems , Civil Engineering , Electrical Construction Management , Electrical Engineering , Industrial Maintenance , Manufacturing , Mechanical Engineering  and Sustainable Design .

Electrical Construction Management concentration. The Electrical Construction Management concentration is designed to train individuals to function effectively as assistants to general contractors or independently as electrical mechanics and contractors. The concentration prepares electrical workers to run jobs and to translate the engineer’s designs into systems and projects, collect and analyze data, develop design layouts, inspect work, check and repair equipment, and prepare reports for the engineering or construction team. Electrical construction management workers acquire a general education background, including mathematics and science, while studying electricity and electronics and associated technical applications.

IBEW articulation. Students who have completed or are currently enrolled in the IBEW Inside Wireman Program or any U.S. Department of Labor Electrical Apprenticeship may receive 30 semester hours credit toward the A.A.S. degree in Engineering Technology with an Electrical Construction Management concentration or the A.A.S. degree in General Technology with a concentration in Industrial Technology. To inquire about degree options, contact Pellissippi State’s Engineering and Media Technologies Department, (865) 694-6483, or the National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee main office, (301) 715-2300.

Typical job opportunities: Electrical construction worker, construction manager, electrical maintenance worker, construction cost estimator, instrument technician, manufacturing maintenance technician, plant maintenance manager, service technician, systems application technician

Program goals. Upon completion of the Engineering Technology program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

  1. Apply basic engineering theories and concepts creatively to analyze and solve technical problems.
  2. Utilize with a high degree of knowledge and skill equipment, instruments, software, and technical reference materials currently used in industry.
  3. Communicate effectively using developed writing, speaking and graphics skills.
  4. Assimilate and practice the concepts and principles of working in a team environment.
  5. Obtain employment within the discipline or matriculate to a four-year program in engineering or industrial technology.

Program competencies.  Upon completion of the Engineering Technology program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

  A.  Apply the knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of the concentration of study to specifically defined engineering technology activities

  B.  Demonstrate the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering and technology by applying it to engineering technology problems using developed practical knowledge

  C.  Conduct and report the results of standard tests and measurements, and conduct, analyze, and interpret experiment or project results

  D.  Function effectively as a member of a technical team

  E.  Identify, analyze and solve specifically defined engineering technology-based problems

  F.  Employ written, oral and visual communication in a technical environment

Contact(s): Engineering and Media Technologies Department, (865) 694-6483, or program coordinator, (865) 694-6511

Courses and Course Sequence

This sequence can be followed by students who begin college-level work in the fall semester. Prerequisites may apply to specific courses; it is the student’s responsibility to determine if prerequisites have been met. An academic advisor is provided for each student. Prior to registering each semester, the student is expected to consult with his/her assigned advisor.

Total Credit Hours Needed for Graduation: 60

See the General Education  section of this Catalog for electives.

Elective to be chosen from an unduplicated BUSN or EET course.

Elective must be approved by an Engineering Technology advisor.

Elective to be chosen from CET 1100  or MET 1100 .  Students should see their advisor to determine course selection.